*/ var charDetails = { '\u{0591}': `֑
`, '\u{0592}': `֒
`, '\u{0593}': `֓
`, '\u{0594}': `֔
`, '\u{0595}': `֕
`, '\u{0596}': `֖
`, '\u{0597}': `֗
`, '\u{0598}': `֘
`, '\u{0599}': `֙
`, '\u{059A}': `֚
`, '\u{059B}': `֛
`, '\u{059C}': `֜
`, '\u{059D}': `֝
`, '\u{059E}': `֞
`, '\u{059F}': `֟
`, '\u{05A0}': `֠
`, '\u{05A1}': `֡
`, '\u{05A2}': `֢
`, '\u{05A3}': `֣
`, '\u{05A4}': `֤
`, '\u{05A5}': `֥
`, '\u{05A6}': `֦
`, '\u{05A7}': `֧
`, '\u{05A8}': `֨
`, '\u{05A9}': `֩
`, '\u{05AA}': `֪
`, '\u{05AB}': `֫
`, '\u{05AC}': `֬
`, '\u{05AD}': `֭
`, '\u{05AE}': `֮
`, '\u{05AF}': `֯
`, '\u{05BD}': `ֽ
`, '\u{05BF}': `ֿ
`, '\u{05C0}': `׀
Word separator in biblical and liturgical use.whp
`, '\u{05C3}': `׃
Used in prayer books and similar as a full stop.wc
`, '\u{05C4}': `ׄ
`, '\u{05C5}': `ׅ
`, '\u{05C6}': `׆
Rare biblical character that is not part of a word or read aloud in any way, but serves solely to mark up text. Used surrounded by spaces.whp
"While it depends on the particular manuscript or printed edition, it is found in nine places: twice in the Book of Numbers (prior to and after Numbers 10:34-36), and seven times in Psalm 107. It is uncertain today what it was intended to signify."whp
There are numerous different glyph forms for this character, depending on the manuscript. For examples, see wikipedia.
`, '\u{05E4}': `פ
Although it doesn't normally occur in Israeli Hebrew, one word does take a final form for p in biblical text: final pe takes dagesh in תּ֥וֹסְףְּ, part of the maqaf compound אַל־תּ֥וֹסְףְּ in Proverbs 30:6 (משלי ל,ו).@Github #155,https://github.com/r12a/scripts/issues/155
`, '\u{05EF}': `ׯ
`, '\u{05F0}': `װ
Used for Yiddish. Isreali Hebrew usually writes this as וו.
w in non-standard orthography, eg. עונטה. Can also be written ו׳ [U+05D5 HEBREW LETTER VAV + U+05F3 HEBREW PUNCTUATION GERESH]
`, '\u{05F1}': `ױ
`, '\u{05F2}': `ײ
`, } // //