/* */ var charDetails = { 'ሀ': `

ha syllable.

`, 'ሁ': `

hu syllable.

`, 'ሂ': `

hi syllable.

`, 'ሃ': `

ha syllable.

`, 'ሄ': `

he syllable.

`, 'ህ': `


`, 'ሆ': `

ho syllable.

`, 'ሇ': `

`, 'ለ': `


`, 'ሉ': `

lu syllable.

`, 'ሊ': `

li syllable.

`, 'ላ': `

la syllable.

`, 'ሌ': `

le syllable.

`, 'ል': `


`, 'ሎ': `

lo syllable.

`, 'ሏ': `

lʷa syllable.

`, 'ሐ': `

ha syllable.

`, 'ሑ': `

hu syllable.

`, 'ሒ': `

hi syllable.

`, 'ሓ': `

ha syllable.

`, 'ሔ': `

he syllable.

`, 'ሕ': `


`, 'ሖ': `

ho syllable.

`, 'ሗ': `

hʷa syllable.

`, 'መ': `


`, 'ሙ': `

mu syllable.

`, 'ሚ': `

mi syllable.

`, 'ማ': `

ma syllable.

`, 'ሜ': `

me syllable.

`, 'ም': `


`, 'ሞ': `

mo syllable.

`, 'ሟ': `

mʷa syllable.

`, 'ሠ': `


`, 'ሡ': `

su syllable.

`, 'ሢ': `

si syllable.

`, 'ሣ': `

sa syllable.

`, 'ሤ': `

se syllable.

`, 'ሥ': `


`, 'ሦ': `

so syllable.

`, 'ሧ': `

sʷa syllable.

`, 'ረ': `


`, 'ሩ': `

ru syllable.

`, 'ሪ': `

ri syllable.

`, 'ራ': `

ra syllable.

`, 'ሬ': `

re syllable.

`, 'ር': `


`, 'ሮ': `

ro syllable.

`, 'ሯ': `

rʷa syllable.

`, 'ሰ': `


`, 'ሱ': `

su syllable.

`, 'ሲ': `

si syllable.

`, 'ሳ': `

sa syllable.

`, 'ሴ': `

se syllable.

`, 'ስ': `


`, 'ሶ': `

so syllable.

`, 'ሷ': `

sʷa syllable.

`, 'ሸ': `

ʃɜ syllable.

`, 'ሹ': `

ʃu syllable.

`, 'ሺ': `

ʃi syllable.

`, 'ሻ': `

ʃa syllable.

`, 'ሼ': `

ʃe syllable.

`, 'ሽ': `

ʃə syllable.

`, 'ሾ': `

ʃo syllable.

`, 'ሿ': `

ʃʷa syllable.

`, 'ቀ': `

kʼɜ syllable.

`, 'ቁ': `

kʼu syllable.

`, 'ቂ': `

kʼi syllable.

`, 'ቃ': `

kʼa syllable.

`, 'ቄ': `

kʼe syllable.

`, 'ቅ': `

kʼə syllable.

`, 'ቆ': `

kʼo syllable.

`, 'ቇ': `

`, 'ቈ': `

kʼʷɜ syllable.

`, 'ቊ': `

kʼʷi syllable.

`, 'ቋ': `

kʼʷa syllable.

`, 'ቌ': `

kʼʷe syllable.

`, 'ቍ': `

kʼʷə syllable.

`, 'ቐ': `

`, 'ቑ': `

`, 'ቒ': `

`, 'ቓ': `

`, 'ቔ': `

`, 'ቕ': `

`, 'ቖ': `

`, 'ቘ': `

`, 'ቚ': `

`, 'ቛ': `

`, 'ቜ': `

`, 'ቝ': `

`, 'በ': `


`, 'ቡ': `

bu syllable.

`, 'ቢ': `

bi syllable.

`, 'ባ': `

ba syllable.

`, 'ቤ': `

be syllable.

`, 'ብ': `


`, 'ቦ': `

bo syllable.

`, 'ቧ': `

bʷa syllable.

`, 'ቨ': `


`, 'ቩ': `

vu syllable.

`, 'ቪ': `

vi syllable.

`, 'ቫ': `

va syllable.

`, 'ቬ': `

ve syllable.

`, 'ቭ': `


`, 'ቮ': `

vo syllable.

`, 'ቯ': `

vʷa syllable.

`, 'ተ': `


`, 'ቱ': `

tu syllable.

`, 'ቲ': `

ti syllable.

`, 'ታ': `

ta syllable.

`, 'ቴ': `

te syllable.

`, 'ት': `


`, 'ቶ': `

to syllable.

`, 'ቷ': `

tʷa syllable.

`, 'ቸ': `

t͡ʃɜ syllable.

`, 'ቹ': `

t͡ʃu syllable.

`, 'ቺ': `

t͡ʃi syllable.

`, 'ቻ': `

t͡ʃa syllable.

`, 'ቼ': `

t͡ʃe syllable.

`, 'ች': `

t͡ʃə syllable.

`, 'ቾ': `

t͡ʃo syllable.

`, 'ቿ': `

t͡ʃʷa syllable.

`, 'ኀ': `

ha syllable.

`, 'ኁ': `

hu syllable.

`, 'ኂ': `

hi syllable.

`, 'ኃ': `

ha syllable.

`, 'ኄ': `

he syllable.

`, 'ኅ': `


`, 'ኆ': `

ho syllable.

`, 'ኇ': `

`, 'ኈ': `

hʷɜ syllable.

`, 'ኊ': `

hʷi syllable.

`, 'ኋ': `

hʷa syllable.

`, 'ኌ': `

hʷe syllable.

`, 'ኍ': `

hʷə syllable.

`, 'ነ': `


`, 'ኑ': `

nu syllable.

`, 'ኒ': `

ni syllable.

`, 'ና': `

na syllable.

`, 'ኔ': `

ne syllable.

`, 'ን': `


`, 'ኖ': `

no syllable.

`, 'ኗ': `

nʷa syllable.

`, 'ኘ': `

ɲɨ syllable.

`, 'ኙ': `

ɲu syllable.

`, 'ኚ': `

ɲi syllable.

`, 'ኛ': `

ɲa syllable.


Used after a cardinal number, this gives the ordinal form, and is often rendered as a superscript.e,#ethiopic_ordinal_notation

`, 'ኜ': `

ɲe syllable.

`, 'ኝ': `

ɲə syllable.

`, 'ኞ': `

ɲo syllable.

`, 'ኟ': `

ɲʷa syllable.

`, 'አ': `

a ʔa syllable.

`, 'ኡ': `

u ʔu syllable.

`, 'ኢ': `

i ʔi syllable.

`, 'ኣ': `

a ʔa syllable.

`, 'ኤ': `

e ʔe syllable.

`, 'እ': `

ə ʔə syllable.

`, 'ኦ': `

o ʔo syllable.

`, 'ኧ': `

ä ʔä syllable.

`, 'ከ': `


`, 'ኩ': `

ku syllable.

`, 'ኪ': `

ki syllable.

`, 'ካ': `

ka syllable.

`, 'ኬ': `

ke syllable.

`, 'ክ': `


`, 'ኮ': `

ko syllable.

`, 'ኯ': `

`, 'ኰ': `

kʷɜ syllable.

`, 'ኲ': `

kʷi syllable.

`, 'ኳ': `

kʷa syllable.

`, 'ኴ': `

kʷe syllable.

`, 'ኵ': `

kʷə syllable.

`, 'ኸ': `

ha syllable.

`, 'ኹ': `

hu syllable.

`, 'ኺ': `

hi syllable.

`, 'ኻ': `

ha syllable.

`, 'ኼ': `

he syllable.

`, 'ኽ': `


`, 'ኾ': `

ho syllable.

`, 'ዀ': `

`, 'ዂ': `

`, 'ዃ': `

hʷa syllable.

`, 'ዄ': `

`, 'ዅ': `

`, 'ወ': `


`, 'ዉ': `

wu syllable.

`, 'ዊ': `

wi syllable.

`, 'ዋ': `

wa syllable.

`, 'ዌ': `

we syllable.

`, 'ው': `


`, 'ዎ': `

wo syllable.

`, 'ዏ': `

`, 'ዐ': `

a ʔa syllable.

`, 'ዑ': `

u ʔu syllable.

`, 'ዒ': `

i ʔi syllable.

`, 'ዓ': `

a ʔa syllable.

`, 'ዔ': `

e ʔe syllable.

`, 'ዕ': `

ə ʔə syllable.

`, 'ዖ': `

o ʔo syllable.

`, 'ዘ': `


`, 'ዙ': `

zu syllable.

`, 'ዚ': `

zi syllable.

`, 'ዛ': `

za syllable.

`, 'ዜ': `

ze syllable.

`, 'ዝ': `


`, 'ዞ': `

zo syllable.

`, 'ዟ': `

zʷa syllable.

`, 'ዠ': `

ʒɜ syllable.

`, 'ዡ': `

ʒu syllable.

`, 'ዢ': `

ʒi syllable.

`, 'ዣ': `

ʒa syllable.

`, 'ዤ': `

ʒe syllable.

`, 'ዥ': `

ʒə syllable.

`, 'ዦ': `

ʒo syllable.

`, 'ዧ': `

ʒʷa syllable.

`, 'የ': `


`, 'ዩ': `

ju syllable.

`, 'ዪ': `

ji syllable.

`, 'ያ': `

ja syllable.

`, 'ዬ': `

je syllable.

`, 'ይ': `



Used after a cardinal number, this gives the ordinal form, and is often rendered as a superscript.e,#ethiopic_ordinal_notation

`, 'ዮ': `

jo syllable.

`, 'ዯ': `

`, 'ደ': `


`, 'ዱ': `

du syllable.

`, 'ዲ': `

di syllable.

`, 'ዳ': `

da syllable.

`, 'ዴ': `

de syllable.

`, 'ድ': `


`, 'ዶ': `

do syllable.

`, 'ዷ': `

dʷa syllable.

`, 'ዸ': `

`, 'ዹ': `

`, 'ዺ': `

`, 'ዻ': `

`, 'ዼ': `

`, 'ዽ': `

`, 'ዾ': `

`, 'ዿ': `

`, 'ጀ': `

d͡ʒɜ syllable.

`, 'ጁ': `

d͡ʒu syllable.

`, 'ጂ': `

d͡ʒi syllable.

`, 'ጃ': `

d͡ʒa syllable.

`, 'ጄ': `

d͡ʒe syllable.

`, 'ጅ': `

d͡ʒə syllable.

`, 'ጆ': `

d͡ʒo syllable.

`, 'ጇ': `

d͡ʒʷa syllable.

`, 'ገ': `


`, 'ጉ': `

gu syllable.

`, 'ጊ': `

gi syllable.

`, 'ጋ': `

ga syllable.

`, 'ጌ': `

ge syllable.

`, 'ግ': `


`, 'ጎ': `

go syllable.

`, 'ጏ': `

`, 'ጐ': `

gʷɜ syllable.

`, 'ጒ': `

gʷu syllable.

`, 'ጓ': `

gʷa syllable.

`, 'ጔ': `

gʷe syllable.

`, 'ጕ': `

gʷə syllable.

`, 'ጘ': `

`, 'ጙ': `

`, 'ጚ': `

`, 'ጛ': `

`, 'ጜ': `

`, 'ጝ': `

`, 'ጞ': `

`, 'ጟ': `

`, 'ጠ': `

tʼɜ syllable.

`, 'ጡ': `

tʼu syllable.

`, 'ጢ': `

tʼi syllable.

`, 'ጣ': `

tʼa syllable.

`, 'ጤ': `

tʼe syllable.

`, 'ጥ': `

tʼə syllable.

`, 'ጦ': `

tʼo syllable.

`, 'ጧ': `

tʼʷa syllable.

`, 'ጨ': `

t͡ʃʼɜ syllable.

`, 'ጩ': `

t͡ʃʼu syllable.

`, 'ጪ': `

t͡ʃʼi syllable.

`, 'ጫ': `

t͡ʃʼa syllable.

`, 'ጬ': `

t͡ʃʼe syllable.

`, 'ጭ': `

t͡ʃʼə syllable.

`, 'ጮ': `

t͡ʃʼo syllable.

`, 'ጯ': `

t͡ʃʼʷa syllable.

`, 'ጰ': `

pʼɜ syllable.

`, 'ጱ': `

pʼu syllable.

`, 'ጲ': `

pʼi syllable.

`, 'ጳ': `

pʼa syllable.

`, 'ጴ': `

pʼe syllable.

`, 'ጵ': `

pʼə syllable.

`, 'ጶ': `

pʼo syllable.

`, 'ጷ': `

pʼʷa syllable.

`, 'ጸ': `

t͡sʼɜ syllable.

`, 'ጹ': `

t͡sʼu syllable.

`, 'ጺ': `

t͡sʼi syllable.

`, 'ጻ': `

t͡sʼa syllable.

`, 'ጼ': `

t͡sʼe syllable.

`, 'ጽ': `

t͡sʼə syllable.

`, 'ጾ': `

t͡sʼo syllable.

`, 'ጿ': `

t͡sʼʷa syllable.

`, 'ፀ': `

t͡sʼɜ syllable.

`, 'ፁ': `

t͡sʼu syllable.

`, 'ፂ': `

t͡sʼi syllable.

`, 'ፃ': `

t͡sʼa syllable.

`, 'ፄ': `

t͡sʼe syllable.

`, 'ፅ': `

t͡sʼə syllable.

`, 'ፆ': `

t͡sʼo syllable.

`, 'ፇ': `

`, 'ፈ': `


`, 'ፉ': `

fu syllable.

`, 'ፊ': `

fi syllable.

`, 'ፋ': `

fa syllable.

`, 'ፌ': `

fe syllable.

`, 'ፍ': `


`, 'ፎ': `

fo syllable.

`, 'ፏ': `

fʷa syllable.

`, 'ፐ': `


`, 'ፑ': `

pu syllable.

`, 'ፒ': `

pi syllable.

`, 'ፓ': `

pa syllable.

`, 'ፔ': `

pe syllable.

`, 'ፕ': `


`, 'ፖ': `

po syllable.

`, 'ፗ': `

pʷa syllable.

`, 'ፘ': `

rʲɛ syllable.

`, 'ፙ': `

mʲɛ syllable.

`, 'ፚ': `

fʲɛ syllable.

`, '\u{135D}': `

Marks a syllable with both gemination and a long vowel. Rarely found.


`, '\u{135E}': `

Long vowel marker. Rarely found.

If these diacritics are used and a long vowel follows a geminated consonant, use [U+135D ETHIOPIC COMBINING GEMINATION AND VOWEL LENGTH MARK] for that syllable.

`, '\u{135F}': `

Gemination marker. Rarely found.

There are many geminated consonants in Amharic, but they are not marked in the script.


If these diacritics are used and a long vowel follows a geminated consonant, use [U+135D ETHIOPIC COMBINING GEMINATION AND VOWEL LENGTH MARK] for that syllable.

`, '\u{1360}': `

Used to divide sections or subsections; generally three or more used together on a line of their own.e,#ethiopic_punctuation

`, '\u{1361}': `

Punctuation used to separate words. In modern text it has become less common in published materials than in handwriting.e,#ethiopic_punctuation



All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

It is used after the last word in a sentence, and if an Ethiopic full stop follows a line may appear to end with three of these double dots.

Where space is used to separate words, this character is sometimes used in lieu of a comma.e,#ethiopic_punctuation

`, '\u{1362}': `

Sentence-final delimiter (full stop).e,#ethiopic_punctuation This is commonly used, and may be immediately preceded by a wordspace character if the text contains them. It is also possible to find the ASCII full stop used.

ችግር ይገጥመናል፡፡ ቤት መከራየት በጣም ትልቁ ችግር ነው፡፡ ሰዎች ለዚህ ሥራ ማከራየት አይፈልጉም፡፡ ውልና ማስረጃ ሄደው ሐሳብ የሚቀይሩ አሉ፡፡

We have a problem. Renting a house is the biggest problem. People don't want to hire for this job. There are those who change their minds after going to the contract and evidence.

`, '\u{1363}': `

Often used, to separate comparative and sequential lists of names, phrases, or numbers as well as to separate parts of a sentence that are not complete by themselves.x,4

ሴማዊ ቋንቋዎች የሚባሉት ግዕዝ፣ አማርኛ፣ ትግርኛ፣ የጉራጌ ቋንቋዎች፣ አርጐባ፣ ሐረሪ (አደርኛ)፣ ናቸው።

Semitic languages are Greek, Amharic, Tigrinya, Guruga, Arabian, Harari.

This code point and [U+1365 ETHIOPIC COLON] are in most cases regarded as glyph variants for the same punctuation symbol, although usually a document will consistently use only one or the other

There is a tendency to use the other code point more frequently, however, in religious works.e,#ethiopic_punctuation

`, '\u{1364}': `

Used to separate equivalent main phrases in one idea. Even though it is not placed at the end of a paragraph, it can be used to separate sentences with similar ideas in a paragraph.e,#ethiopic_punctuation

በዚህ ቅጽበት ተጠቂዋ ሕገ ወጥ ስደተኛ ተብላ በሕግ ትፈለጋለች፤ ለእስር ትዳረጋለች።

At this moment, the victim is wanted by law as an illegal immigrant; she will be arrested.

`, '\u{1365}': `

Although the Unicode name is 'colon', this is typically used like a comma, to separate comparative and sequential list of names, phrases, or numbers as well as to separate parts of a sentence that are not complete by themselves.

This code point and [U+1363 ETHIOPIC COMMA] are in most cases regarded as glyph variants for the same punctuation symbol, although usually a document will consistently use only one or the other.

There is a tendency to use this shape more frequently, however, in religious works, and so it could be called an ecclesiastical comma.e,#ethiopic_punctuation

It is also used for biblical references where English would normally use a colone,#ethiopic_comma_usage, eg. ማቴ4፥23 , ዮሐ13፥16 mate4:23 , yoḥä13:16 Matt 4:23, John 13:16

`, '\u{1366}': `

Punctuation that follows clarification of a subject. It will preface validation statements and examples that support the clarification.e,#ethiopic_punctuation

ምሳሌ፦ውሃ ፣ ውሻ ፣ ሰንጋ ፣ ወዘተ.

Examples: water, dog, ants, etc.x,4

`, '\u{1367}': `

Used at the end of the questioning sentence. In modern writing, ASCII ? [U+003F QUESTION MARK] is preferred.e,#ethiopic_punctuation

`, '\u{1368}': `

May be used to conclude the final paragraph of a section in lieu of [U+1362 ETHIOPIC FULL STOP].

Like [U+1360 ETHIOPIC SECTION MARK], three or more may also be used together on a line of their own.e,#ethiopic_punctuation

`, '\u{1369}': `

1 number.

`, '\u{136A}': `

2 number.

`, '\u{136B}': `

3 number.

`, '\u{136C}': `

4 number.

`, '\u{136D}': `

5 number.

`, '\u{136E}': `

6 number.

`, '\u{136F}': `

7 number.

`, '\u{1370}': `

8 number.

`, '\u{1371}': `

9 number.

`, '\u{1372}': `

10 number.

`, '\u{1373}': `

20 number.

`, '\u{1374}': `

30 number.

`, '\u{1375}': `

40 number.

`, '\u{1376}': `

50 number.

`, '\u{1377}': `

60 number.

`, '\u{1378}': `

70 number.

`, '\u{1379}': `

80 number.

`, '\u{137A}': `

90 number.

`, '\u{137B}': `

100 number.

`, '\u{137C}': `

10,000 number.

`, // COMMON PUNCTUATION '\u{0021}': `


Amharic uses the ASCII exclamation mark. However, see also 00A1, which is used to denote sarcasm.

`, '\u{0025}': `


Amharic uses the ASCII percent sign.

`, '\u{0028}': `


Amharic uses this ASCII character as an opening parenthesis.

`, '\u{0029}': `


Amharic uses this ASCII character as a closing parenthesis.

`, '\u{002C}': `


Amharic uses the ASCII comma.

`, '\u{002D}': `


Amharic uses the ASCII hyphen.

`, '\u{003F}': `


Amharic uses the ASCII question mark.

`, '\u{005B}': `


Amharic uses this ASCII character as an opening bracket.

`, '\u{005D}': `


Amharic uses this ASCII character as a closing bracket.

`, '\u{00A1}': `


Known as “Timirte Slaq” (ትእምርተ፡ሥላቅ), this appears at the end of a sentence and denotes sarcasm. It is not common, but can be found in often in political comics.e

`, '\u{00AB}': `


Amharic texts typically use guillemets around quotations, but modern texts may use quotation marks instead.e Double guillemets tend to be used by default, and single guillemets are then used for embedded quotations.

`, '\u{00BB}': `


Amharic texts typically use guillemets around quotations, but modern texts may use quotation marks instead.e Double guillemets tend to be used by default, and single guillemets are then used for embedded quotations.

`, '\u{2013}': `

This dash can be found in Amharic texts.

`, '\u{2014}': `

This dash can be found in Amharic texts.

`, '\u{2018}': `

Amharic texts typically use guillemets around quotations, but modern texts may use these quotation marks instead.e Double quote marks tend to be used by default, and single quote marks are then used for embedded quotations.

`, '\u{2019}': `

Amharic texts typically use guillemets around quotations, but modern texts may use these quotation marks instead.e Double quote marks tend to be used by default, and single quote marks are then used for embedded quotations.

`, '\u{201C}': `

Amharic texts typically use guillemets around quotations, but modern texts may use these quotation marks instead.e Double quote marks tend to be used by default, and single quote marks are then used for embedded quotations.

`, '\u{201D}': `

Amharic texts typically use guillemets around quotations, but modern texts may use these quotation marks instead.e Double quote marks tend to be used by default, and single quote marks are then used for embedded quotations.

`, '\u{2039}': `

Amharic texts typically use guillemets around quotations, but modern texts may use quotation marks instead.e Double guillemets tend to be used by default, and single guillemets are then used for embedded quotations.

`, '\u{203A}': `

Amharic texts typically use guillemets around quotations, but modern texts may use quotation marks instead.e Double guillemets tend to be used by default, and single guillemets are then used for embedded quotations.

`, } //