*/ var charDetails = { '\u{1400}': `᐀
Line breaking hyphen. Only used when a word is broken across a line.
Plains Cree uses hyphenation when words are broken at the end of a line. However, a standard hyphen could be confused with 1428 (used for ʦ), so Cree uses this character, instead.
`, '\u{1401}': `ᐁ
eː syllable.
`, '\u{1403}': `
ɪ syllable.
`, '\u{1404}': `
iː syllable.
`, '\u{1405}': `
ʊ syllable.
`, '\u{1406}': `
oː syllable.
`, '\u{140A}': `
a syllable.
`, '\u{140B}': `
aː syllable.
`, '\u{140D}': `
weː syllable.
`, '\u{140F}': `
wɪ syllable.
`, '\u{1411}': `
wii syllable.
`, '\u{1413}': `
wʊ syllable.
`, '\u{1415}': `
woː syllable.
`, '\u{1418}': `
wa syllable.
`, '\u{141A}': `
waa syllable.
`, '\u{141F}': `
Final consonant.
-t at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s.
-d in most other situations.
`, '\u{1420}': `ᐠ
Final consonant.
-k at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
-g in most other situations.
`, '\u{1422}': `ᐢ
s final consonant.
`, '\u{1423}': `
n final consonant.
`, '\u{1424}': `
w final consonant.
`, '\u{1426}': `
h is written using this alphabetic symbol plus a vowel syllable, where needed, rather than with a set of h... syllables, eg.
This is also commonly used for pre-aspiration of sounds. Such sounds are indicated by combining this character with the relevant consonant, rather than by using a set of special symbols, eg.
A special symbol is used for word-final hk, see 157D.
`, '\u{1428}': `t͡s at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
d͡z in most other situations.
t͡ʃ~d͡ʒ is an allophonic variant used in some communities.
`, '\u{142F}': `ᐯ
peː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
beː in most other situations.
`, '\u{1431}': `ᐱ
pɪ at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
bɪ in most other situations.
`, '\u{1432}': `ᐲ
piː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
biː in most other situations.
`, '\u{1433}': `ᐳ
pʊ at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
bʊ in most other situations.
`, '\u{1434}': `ᐴ
poː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
boː in most other situations.
`, '\u{1438}': `ᐸ
pa at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
ba in most other situations.
`, '\u{1439}': `ᐹ
paː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
baː in most other situations.
`, '\u{143A}': `ᐺ
`, '\u{143B}': `ᐻ
pʷeː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
bʷeː in most other situations.
`, '\u{143C}': `ᐼ
`, '\u{143D}': `ᐽ
pʷɪ at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
bʷɪ in most other situations.
`, '\u{143E}': `ᐾ
`, '\u{143F}': `ᐿ
pʷiː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
bʷiː in most other situations.
`, '\u{1440}': `ᑀ
`, '\u{1441}': `ᑁ
pʷʊ at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
bʷʊ in most other situations.
`, '\u{1442}': `ᑂ
`, '\u{1443}': `ᑃ
pʷoː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
bʷoː in most other situations.
`, '\u{1444}': `ᑄ
`, '\u{1445}': `ᑅ
pʷa at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
bʷa in most other situations.
`, '\u{1446}': `ᑆ
`, '\u{1447}': `ᑇ
pʷaː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
bʷaː in most other situations.
`, '\u{1448}': `ᑈ
`, '\u{1449}': `ᑉ
`, '\u{144A}': `ᑊ
p at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
b in most other situations.
`, '\u{144B}': `ᑋ
`, '\u{144C}': `ᑌ
teː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
deː in most other situations.
`, '\u{144D}': `ᑍ
`, '\u{144E}': `ᑎ
tɪ at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
dɪ in most other situations.
`, '\u{144F}': `ᑏ
tiː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
diː in most other situations.
`, '\u{1450}': `ᑐ
tʊ at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
dʊ in most other situations.
`, '\u{1451}': `ᑑ
toː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
doː in most other situations.
`, '\u{1452}': `ᑒ
`, '\u{1453}': `ᑓ
`, '\u{1454}': `ᑔ
`, '\u{1455}': `ᑕ
ta at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
da in most other situations.
`, '\u{1456}': `ᑖ
taː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
daː in most other situations.
`, '\u{1457}': `ᑗ
`, '\u{1458}': `ᑘ
tʷeː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
dʷeː in most other situations.
`, '\u{1459}': `ᑙ
`, '\u{145A}': `ᑚ
tʷɪ at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
dʷɪ in most other situations.
`, '\u{145B}': `ᑛ
`, '\u{145C}': `ᑜ
tʷiː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
dʷiː in most other situations.
`, '\u{145D}': `ᑝ
`, '\u{145E}': `ᑞ
tʷʊ at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
dʷʊ in most other situations.
`, '\u{145F}': `ᑟ
`, '\u{1460}': `ᑠ
tʷoː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
dʷoː in most other situations.
`, '\u{1461}': `ᑡ
`, '\u{1462}': `ᑢ
tʷa at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
dʷa in most other situations.
`, '\u{1463}': `ᑣ
`, '\u{1464}': `ᑤ
tʷaː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
dʷaː in most other situations.
`, '\u{1465}': `ᑥ
`, '\u{1466}': `ᑦ
`, '\u{1467}': `ᑧ
`, '\u{1468}': `ᑨ
`, '\u{1469}': `ᑩ
`, '\u{146A}': `ᑪ
`, '\u{146B}': `ᑫ
keː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
geː in most other situations.
`, '\u{146C}': `ᑬ
`, '\u{146D}': `ᑭ
kɪ at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
gɪ in most other situations.
`, '\u{146E}': `ᑮ
kiː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
giː in most other situations.
`, '\u{146F}': `ᑯ
kʊ at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
gʊ in most other situations.
`, '\u{1470}': `ᑰ
koː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
goː in most other situations.
`, '\u{1471}': `ᑱ
`, '\u{1472}': `ᑲ
ka at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
ga in most other situations.
`, '\u{1473}': `ᑳ
kaː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
gaː in most other situations.
`, '\u{1474}': `ᑴ
`, '\u{1475}': `ᑵ
kʷeː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
gʷeː in most other situations.
`, '\u{1476}': `ᑶ
`, '\u{1477}': `ᑷ
kʷɪ at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
gʷɪ in most other situations.
`, '\u{1478}': `ᑸ
`, '\u{1479}': `ᑹ
kʷiː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
gʷiː in most other situations.
`, '\u{147A}': `ᑺ
`, '\u{147B}': `ᑻ
kʷʊ at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
gʷʊ in most other situations.
`, '\u{147C}': `ᑼ
`, '\u{147D}': `ᑽ
kʷoː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
gʷoː in most other situations.
`, '\u{147E}': `ᑾ
`, '\u{147F}': `ᑿ
kʷa at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
gʷa in most other situations.
`, '\u{1480}': `ᒀ
`, '\u{1481}': `ᒁ
kʷaː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
gʷaː in most other situations.
`, '\u{1482}': `ᒂ
`, '\u{1483}': `ᒃ
`, '\u{1484}': `ᒄ
`, '\u{1485}': `ᒅ
`, '\u{1486}': `ᒆ
`, '\u{1487}': `ᒇ
`, '\u{1488}': `ᒈ
`, '\u{1489}': `ᒉ
t͡seː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
d͡zeː in most other situations.
t͡ʃ~d͡ʒ is an allophonic variant used in some communities.
`, '\u{148A}': `ᒊ
`, '\u{148B}': `ᒋ
t͡sɪ at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
d͡zɪ in most other situations.
t͡ʃ~d͡ʒ is an allophonic variant used in some communities.
`, '\u{148C}': `ᒌ
t͡siː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
d͡ziː in most other situations.
t͡ʃ~d͡ʒ is an allophonic variant used in some communities.
`, '\u{148D}': `ᒍ
t͡sʊ at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
d͡zʊ in most other situations.
t͡ʃ~d͡ʒ is an allophonic variant used in some communities.
`, '\u{148E}': `ᒎ
t͡soː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
d͡zoː in most other situations.
t͡ʃ~d͡ʒ is an allophonic variant used in some communities.
`, '\u{148F}': `ᒏ
`, '\u{1490}': `ᒐ
t͡sa at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
d͡za in most other situations.
t͡ʃ~d͡ʒ is an allophonic variant used in some communities.
`, '\u{1491}': `ᒑ
t͡saː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
d͡zaː in most other situations.
t͡ʃ~d͡ʒ is an allophonic variant used in some communities.
`, '\u{1492}': `ᒒ
`, '\u{1493}': `ᒓ
t͡sʷeː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
d͡zʷeː in most other situations.
t͡ʃ~d͡ʒ is an allophonic variant used in some communities.
`, '\u{1494}': `ᒔ
`, '\u{1495}': `ᒕ
t͡sʷɪ at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
d͡zʷɪ in most other situations.
t͡ʃ~d͡ʒ is an allophonic variant used in some communities.
`, '\u{1496}': `ᒖ
`, '\u{1497}': `ᒗ
t͡sʷiː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
d͡zʷiː in most other situations.
t͡ʃ~d͡ʒ is an allophonic variant used in some communities.
`, '\u{1498}': `ᒘ
`, '\u{1499}': `ᒙ
t͡sʷʊ at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
d͡zʷʊ in most other situations.
t͡ʃ~d͡ʒ is an allophonic variant used in some communities.
`, '\u{149A}': `ᒚ
`, '\u{149B}': `ᒛ
t͡sʷoː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
d͡zʷoː in most other situations.
t͡ʃ~d͡ʒ is an allophonic variant used in some communities.
`, '\u{149C}': `ᒜ
`, '\u{149D}': `ᒝ
t͡sʷa at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
d͡zʷa in most other situations.
t͡ʃ~d͡ʒ is an allophonic variant used in some communities.
`, '\u{149E}': `ᒞ
`, '\u{149F}': `ᒟ
t͡sʷaː at the beginning or end of a word, and after ᐦ h h or ᐢ s s
d͡zʷaː in most other situations.
t͡ʃ~d͡ʒ is an allophonic variant used in some communities.
`, '\u{14A0}': `ᒠ
`, '\u{14A1}': `ᒡ
`, '\u{14A2}': `ᒢ
`, '\u{14A3}': `ᒣ
`, '\u{14A4}': `ᒤ
`, '\u{14A5}': `ᒥ
`, '\u{14A6}': `ᒦ
`, '\u{14A7}': `ᒧ
`, '\u{14A8}': `ᒨ
`, '\u{14A9}': `ᒩ
`, '\u{14AA}': `ᒪ
`, '\u{14AB}': `ᒫ
`, '\u{14AC}': `ᒬ
`, '\u{14AD}': `ᒭ
`, '\u{14AE}': `ᒮ
`, '\u{14AF}': `ᒯ
`, '\u{14B0}': `ᒰ
`, '\u{14B1}': `ᒱ
`, '\u{14B2}': `ᒲ
`, '\u{14B3}': `ᒳ
`, '\u{14B4}': `ᒴ
`, '\u{14B5}': `ᒵ
`, '\u{14B6}': `ᒶ
`, '\u{14B7}': `ᒷ
`, '\u{14B8}': `ᒸ
`, '\u{14B9}': `ᒹ
`, '\u{14BA}': `ᒺ
`, '\u{14BB}': `ᒻ
`, '\u{14BC}': `ᒼ
`, '\u{14BD}': `ᒽ
`, '\u{14BE}': `ᒾ
`, '\u{14BF}': `ᒿ
`, '\u{14C0}': `ᓀ
`, '\u{14C1}': `ᓁ
`, '\u{14C2}': `ᓂ
`, '\u{14C3}': `ᓃ
`, '\u{14C4}': `ᓄ
`, '\u{14C5}': `ᓅ
`, '\u{14C6}': `ᓆ
`, '\u{14C7}': `ᓇ
`, '\u{14C8}': `ᓈ
`, '\u{14C9}': `ᓉ
`, '\u{14CA}': `ᓊ
`, '\u{14CB}': `ᓋ
`, '\u{14CC}': `ᓌ
`, '\u{14CD}': `ᓍ
`, '\u{14CE}': `ᓎ
`, '\u{14CF}': `ᓏ
`, '\u{14D0}': `ᓐ
`, '\u{14D1}': `ᓑ
`, '\u{14D2}': `ᓒ
`, '\u{14D3}': `ᓓ
`, '\u{14D4}': `ᓔ
`, '\u{14D5}': `ᓕ
`, '\u{14D6}': `ᓖ
`, '\u{14D7}': `ᓗ
`, '\u{14D8}': `ᓘ
`, '\u{14D9}': `ᓙ
`, '\u{14DA}': `ᓚ
`, '\u{14DB}': `ᓛ
`, '\u{14DC}': `ᓜ
`, '\u{14DD}': `ᓝ
`, '\u{14DE}': `ᓞ
`, '\u{14DF}': `ᓟ
`, '\u{14E0}': `ᓠ
`, '\u{14E1}': `ᓡ
`, '\u{14E2}': `ᓢ
`, '\u{14E3}': `ᓣ
`, '\u{14E4}': `ᓤ
`, '\u{14E5}': `ᓥ
`, '\u{14E6}': `ᓦ
`, '\u{14E7}': `ᓧ
`, '\u{14E8}': `ᓨ
`, '\u{14E9}': `ᓩ
`, '\u{14EA}': `ᓪ
`, '\u{14EB}': `ᓫ
`, '\u{14EC}': `ᓬ
l is generally only used for loan words in Plains Cree, and is represented using this special alphabetic symbol followed by a vowel syllable.
`, '\u{14ED}': `ᓭ
`, '\u{14EE}': `ᓮ
`, '\u{14EF}': `ᓯ
`, '\u{14F0}': `ᓰ
`, '\u{14F1}': `ᓱ
`, '\u{14F2}': `ᓲ
`, '\u{14F3}': `ᓳ
`, '\u{14F4}': `ᓴ
`, '\u{14F5}': `ᓵ
`, '\u{14F6}': `ᓶ
`, '\u{14F7}': `ᓷ
`, '\u{14F8}': `ᓸ
`, '\u{14F9}': `ᓹ
`, '\u{14FA}': `ᓺ
`, '\u{14FB}': `ᓻ
`, '\u{14FC}': `ᓼ
`, '\u{14FD}': `ᓽ
`, '\u{14FE}': `ᓾ
`, '\u{14FF}': `ᓿ
`, '\u{1500}': `ᔀ
`, '\u{1501}': `ᔁ
`, '\u{1502}': `ᔂ
`, '\u{1503}': `ᔃ
`, '\u{1504}': `ᔄ
`, '\u{1505}': `ᔅ
`, '\u{1506}': `ᔆ
`, '\u{1507}': `ᔇ
`, '\u{1508}': `ᔈ
`, '\u{1509}': `ᔉ
`, '\u{150A}': `ᔊ
`, '\u{150B}': `ᔋ
`, '\u{150C}': `ᔌ
`, '\u{150D}': `ᔍ
`, '\u{150E}': `ᔎ
`, '\u{150F}': `ᔏ
`, '\u{1510}': `ᔐ
`, '\u{1511}': `ᔑ
`, '\u{1512}': `ᔒ
`, '\u{1513}': `ᔓ
`, '\u{1514}': `ᔔ
`, '\u{1515}': `ᔕ
`, '\u{1516}': `ᔖ
`, '\u{1517}': `ᔗ
`, '\u{1518}': `ᔘ
`, '\u{1519}': `ᔙ
`, '\u{151A}': `ᔚ
`, '\u{151B}': `ᔛ
`, '\u{151C}': `ᔜ
`, '\u{151D}': `ᔝ
`, '\u{151E}': `ᔞ
`, '\u{151F}': `ᔟ
`, '\u{1520}': `ᔠ
`, '\u{1521}': `ᔡ
`, '\u{1522}': `ᔢ
`, '\u{1523}': `ᔣ
`, '\u{1524}': `ᔤ
`, '\u{1525}': `ᔥ
`, '\u{1526}': `ᔦ
`, '\u{1527}': `ᔧ
`, '\u{1528}': `ᔨ
`, '\u{1529}': `ᔩ
`, '\u{152A}': `ᔪ
`, '\u{152B}': `ᔫ
`, '\u{152C}': `ᔬ
`, '\u{152D}': `ᔭ
`, '\u{152E}': `ᔮ
`, '\u{152F}': `ᔯ
`, '\u{1530}': `ᔰ
`, '\u{1531}': `ᔱ
`, '\u{1532}': `ᔲ
`, '\u{1533}': `ᔳ
`, '\u{1534}': `ᔴ
`, '\u{1535}': `ᔵ
`, '\u{1536}': `ᔶ
`, '\u{1537}': `ᔷ
`, '\u{1538}': `ᔸ
`, '\u{1539}': `ᔹ
`, '\u{153A}': `ᔺ
`, '\u{153B}': `ᔻ
`, '\u{153C}': `ᔼ
`, '\u{153D}': `ᔽ
`, '\u{153E}': `ᔾ
`, '\u{153F}': `ᔿ
`, '\u{1540}': `ᕀ
`, '\u{1541}': `ᕁ
`, '\u{1542}': `ᕂ
`, '\u{1543}': `ᕃ
`, '\u{1544}': `ᕄ
`, '\u{1545}': `ᕅ
`, '\u{1546}': `ᕆ
`, '\u{1547}': `ᕇ
`, '\u{1548}': `ᕈ
`, '\u{1549}': `ᕉ
`, '\u{154A}': `ᕊ
`, '\u{154B}': `ᕋ
`, '\u{154C}': `ᕌ
`, '\u{154D}': `ᕍ
`, '\u{154E}': `ᕎ
`, '\u{154F}': `ᕏ
`, '\u{1550}': `ᕐ
`, '\u{1551}': `ᕑ
`, '\u{1552}': `ᕒ
r is generally only used for loan words in Plains Cree, and is represented using this special alphabetic symbol followed by a vowel syllable, eg. ᕒᐁᑎᔪ retⁱjᵒ (rētiyo) reːtijo radio
`, '\u{1553}': `ᕓ
`, '\u{1554}': `ᕔ
`, '\u{1555}': `ᕕ
`, '\u{1556}': `ᕖ
`, '\u{1557}': `ᕗ
`, '\u{1558}': `ᕘ
`, '\u{1559}': `ᕙ
`, '\u{155A}': `ᕚ
`, '\u{155B}': `ᕛ
`, '\u{155C}': `ᕜ
`, '\u{155D}': `ᕝ
`, '\u{155E}': `ᕞ
`, '\u{155F}': `ᕟ
`, '\u{1560}': `ᕠ
`, '\u{1561}': `ᕡ
`, '\u{1562}': `ᕢ
`, '\u{1563}': `ᕣ
`, '\u{1564}': `ᕤ
`, '\u{1565}': `ᕥ
`, '\u{1566}': `ᕦ
`, '\u{1567}': `ᕧ
`, '\u{1568}': `ᕨ
`, '\u{1569}': `ᕩ
`, '\u{156A}': `ᕪ
`, '\u{156B}': `ᕫ
`, '\u{156C}': `ᕬ
`, '\u{156D}': `ᕭ
`, '\u{156E}': `ᕮ
`, '\u{156F}': `ᕯ
`, '\u{1570}': `ᕰ
`, '\u{1571}': `ᕱ
`, '\u{1572}': `ᕲ
`, '\u{1573}': `ᕳ
`, '\u{1574}': `ᕴ
`, '\u{1575}': `ᕵ
`, '\u{1576}': `ᕶ
`, '\u{1577}': `ᕷ
`, '\u{1578}': `ᕸ
`, '\u{1579}': `ᕹ
`, '\u{157A}': `ᕺ
`, '\u{157B}': `ᕻ
`, '\u{157C}': `ᕼ
`, '\u{157D}': `ᕽ
-ʰk used to represent the aspirated final consonant, eg. ᐑᒋᐦᐃᕽ wⁱ̠cⁱhikᶣ (wīcihihk) help him!
`, '\u{157E}': `ᕾ
`, '\u{157F}': `ᕿ
`, '\u{1580}': `ᖀ
`, '\u{1581}': `ᖁ
`, '\u{1582}': `ᖂ
`, '\u{1583}': `ᖃ
`, '\u{1584}': `ᖄ
`, '\u{1585}': `ᖅ
`, '\u{1586}': `ᖆ
`, '\u{1587}': `ᖇ
`, '\u{1588}': `ᖈ
`, '\u{1589}': `ᖉ
`, '\u{158A}': `ᖊ
`, '\u{158B}': `ᖋ
`, '\u{158C}': `ᖌ
`, '\u{158D}': `ᖍ
`, '\u{158E}': `ᖎ
`, '\u{158F}': `ᖏ
`, '\u{1590}': `ᖐ
`, '\u{1591}': `ᖑ
`, '\u{1592}': `ᖒ
`, '\u{1593}': `ᖓ
`, '\u{1594}': `ᖔ
`, '\u{1595}': `ᖕ
`, '\u{1596}': `ᖖ
`, '\u{1597}': `ᖗ
`, '\u{1598}': `ᖘ
`, '\u{1599}': `ᖙ
`, '\u{159A}': `ᖚ
`, '\u{159B}': `ᖛ
`, '\u{159C}': `ᖜ
`, '\u{159D}': `ᖝ
`, '\u{159E}': `ᖞ
`, '\u{159F}': `ᖟ
`, '\u{15A0}': `ᖠ
`, '\u{15A1}': `ᖡ
`, '\u{15A2}': `ᖢ
`, '\u{15A3}': `ᖣ
`, '\u{15A4}': `ᖤ
`, '\u{15A5}': `ᖥ
`, '\u{15A6}': `ᖦ
`, '\u{15A7}': `ᖧ
`, '\u{15A8}': `ᖨ
`, '\u{15A9}': `ᖩ
`, '\u{15AA}': `ᖪ
`, '\u{15AB}': `ᖫ
`, '\u{15AC}': `ᖬ
`, '\u{15AD}': `ᖭ
`, '\u{15AE}': `ᖮ
`, '\u{15AF}': `ᖯ
`, '\u{15B0}': `ᖰ
`, '\u{15B1}': `ᖱ
`, '\u{15B2}': `ᖲ
`, '\u{15B3}': `ᖳ
`, '\u{15B4}': `ᖴ
`, '\u{15B5}': `ᖵ
`, '\u{15B6}': `ᖶ
`, '\u{15B7}': `ᖷ
`, '\u{15B8}': `ᖸ
`, '\u{15B9}': `ᖹ
`, '\u{15BA}': `ᖺ
`, '\u{15BB}': `ᖻ
`, '\u{15BC}': `ᖼ
`, '\u{15BD}': `ᖽ
`, '\u{15BE}': `ᖾ
`, '\u{15BF}': `ᖿ
`, '\u{15C0}': `ᗀ
`, '\u{15C1}': `ᗁ
`, '\u{15C2}': `ᗂ
`, '\u{15C3}': `ᗃ
`, '\u{15C4}': `ᗄ
`, '\u{15C5}': `ᗅ
`, '\u{15C6}': `ᗆ
`, '\u{15C7}': `ᗇ
`, '\u{15C8}': `ᗈ
`, '\u{15C9}': `ᗉ
`, '\u{15CA}': `ᗊ
`, '\u{15CB}': `ᗋ
`, '\u{15CC}': `ᗌ
`, '\u{15CD}': `ᗍ
`, '\u{15CE}': `ᗎ
`, '\u{15CF}': `ᗏ
`, '\u{15D0}': `ᗐ
`, '\u{15D1}': `ᗑ
`, '\u{15D2}': `ᗒ
`, '\u{15D3}': `ᗓ
`, '\u{15D4}': `ᗔ
`, '\u{15D5}': `ᗕ
`, '\u{15D6}': `ᗖ
`, '\u{15D7}': `ᗗ
`, '\u{15D8}': `ᗘ
`, '\u{15D9}': `ᗙ
`, '\u{15DA}': `ᗚ
`, '\u{15DB}': `ᗛ
`, '\u{15DC}': `ᗜ
`, '\u{15DD}': `ᗝ
`, '\u{15DE}': `ᗞ
`, '\u{15DF}': `ᗟ
`, '\u{15E0}': `ᗠ
`, '\u{15E1}': `ᗡ
`, '\u{15E2}': `ᗢ
`, '\u{15E3}': `ᗣ
`, '\u{15E4}': `ᗤ
`, '\u{15E5}': `ᗥ
`, '\u{15E6}': `ᗦ
`, '\u{15E7}': `ᗧ
`, '\u{15E8}': `ᗨ
`, '\u{15E9}': `ᗩ
`, '\u{15EA}': `ᗪ
`, '\u{15EB}': `ᗫ
`, '\u{15EC}': `ᗬ
`, '\u{15ED}': `ᗭ
`, '\u{15EE}': `ᗮ
`, '\u{15EF}': `ᗯ
`, '\u{15F0}': `ᗰ
`, '\u{15F1}': `ᗱ
`, '\u{15F2}': `ᗲ
`, '\u{15F3}': `ᗳ
`, '\u{15F4}': `ᗴ
`, '\u{15F5}': `ᗵ
`, '\u{15F6}': `ᗶ
`, '\u{15F7}': `ᗷ
`, '\u{15F8}': `ᗸ
`, '\u{15F9}': `ᗹ
`, '\u{15FA}': `ᗺ
`, '\u{15FB}': `ᗻ
`, '\u{15FC}': `ᗼ
`, '\u{15FD}': `ᗽ
`, '\u{15FE}': `ᗾ
`, '\u{15FF}': `ᗿ
`, '\u{1600}': `ᘀ
`, '\u{1601}': `ᘁ
`, '\u{1602}': `ᘂ
`, '\u{1603}': `ᘃ
`, '\u{1604}': `ᘄ
`, '\u{1605}': `ᘅ
`, '\u{1606}': `ᘆ
`, '\u{1607}': `ᘇ
`, '\u{1608}': `ᘈ
`, '\u{1609}': `ᘉ
`, '\u{160A}': `ᘊ
`, '\u{160B}': `ᘋ
`, '\u{160C}': `ᘌ
`, '\u{160D}': `ᘍ
`, '\u{160E}': `ᘎ
`, '\u{160F}': `ᘏ
`, '\u{1610}': `ᘐ
`, '\u{1611}': `ᘑ
`, '\u{1612}': `ᘒ
`, '\u{1613}': `ᘓ
`, '\u{1614}': `ᘔ
`, '\u{1615}': `ᘕ
`, '\u{1616}': `ᘖ
`, '\u{1617}': `ᘗ
`, '\u{1618}': `ᘘ
`, '\u{1619}': `ᘙ
`, '\u{161A}': `ᘚ
`, '\u{161B}': `ᘛ
`, '\u{161C}': `ᘜ
`, '\u{161D}': `ᘝ
`, '\u{161E}': `ᘞ
`, '\u{161F}': `ᘟ
`, '\u{1620}': `ᘠ
`, '\u{1621}': `ᘡ
`, '\u{1622}': `ᘢ
`, '\u{1623}': `ᘣ
`, '\u{1624}': `ᘤ
`, '\u{1625}': `ᘥ
`, '\u{1626}': `ᘦ
`, '\u{1627}': `ᘧ
`, '\u{1628}': `ᘨ
`, '\u{1629}': `ᘩ
`, '\u{162A}': `ᘪ
`, '\u{162B}': `ᘫ
`, '\u{162C}': `ᘬ
`, '\u{162D}': `ᘭ
`, '\u{162E}': `ᘮ
`, '\u{162F}': `ᘯ
`, '\u{1630}': `ᘰ
`, '\u{1631}': `ᘱ
`, '\u{1632}': `ᘲ
`, '\u{1633}': `ᘳ
`, '\u{1634}': `ᘴ
`, '\u{1635}': `ᘵ
`, '\u{1636}': `ᘶ
`, '\u{1637}': `ᘷ
`, '\u{1638}': `ᘸ
`, '\u{1639}': `ᘹ
`, '\u{163A}': `ᘺ
`, '\u{163B}': `ᘻ
`, '\u{163C}': `ᘼ
`, '\u{163D}': `ᘽ
`, '\u{163E}': `ᘾ
`, '\u{163F}': `ᘿ
`, '\u{1640}': `ᙀ
`, '\u{1641}': `ᙁ
`, '\u{1642}': `ᙂ
`, '\u{1643}': `ᙃ
`, '\u{1644}': `ᙄ
`, '\u{1645}': `ᙅ
`, '\u{1646}': `ᙆ
`, '\u{1647}': `ᙇ
`, '\u{1648}': `ᙈ
`, '\u{1649}': `ᙉ
`, '\u{164A}': `ᙊ
`, '\u{164B}': `ᙋ
`, '\u{164C}': `ᙌ
`, '\u{164D}': `ᙍ
`, '\u{164E}': `ᙎ
`, '\u{164F}': `ᙏ
`, '\u{1650}': `ᙐ
`, '\u{1651}': `ᙑ
`, '\u{1652}': `ᙒ
`, '\u{1653}': `ᙓ
`, '\u{1654}': `ᙔ
`, '\u{1655}': `ᙕ
`, '\u{1656}': `ᙖ
`, '\u{1657}': `ᙗ
`, '\u{1658}': `ᙘ
`, '\u{1659}': `ᙙ
`, '\u{165A}': `ᙚ
`, '\u{165B}': `ᙛ
`, '\u{165C}': `ᙜ
`, '\u{165D}': `ᙝ
`, '\u{165E}': `ᙞ
`, '\u{165F}': `ᙟ
`, '\u{1660}': `ᙠ
`, '\u{1661}': `ᙡ
`, '\u{1662}': `ᙢ
`, '\u{1663}': `ᙣ
`, '\u{1664}': `ᙤ
`, '\u{1665}': `ᙥ
`, '\u{1666}': `ᙦ
`, '\u{1667}': `ᙧ
`, '\u{1668}': `ᙨ
`, '\u{1669}': `ᙩ
`, '\u{166A}': `ᙪ
`, '\u{166B}': `ᙫ
`, '\u{166C}': `ᙬ
`, '\u{166D}': `᙭
`, '\u{166E}': `᙮
`, '\u{166F}': `ᙯ
`, '\u{1670}': `ᙰ
`, '\u{1671}': `ᙱ
`, '\u{1672}': `ᙲ
`, '\u{1673}': `ᙳ
`, '\u{1674}': `ᙴ
`, '\u{1675}': `ᙵ
`, '\u{1676}': `ᙶ
`, '\u{1677}': `ᙷ
`, '\u{1678}': `ᙸ
`, '\u{1679}': `ᙹ
`, '\u{167A}': `ᙺ
`, '\u{167B}': `ᙻ
`, '\u{167C}': `ᙼ
`, '\u{167D}': `ᙽ
`, '\u{167E}': `ᙾ
`, '\u{167F}': `ᙿ
`, '\u{18B0}': `ᢰ
`, '\u{18B1}': `ᢱ
`, '\u{18B2}': `ᢲ
`, '\u{18B3}': `ᢳ
`, '\u{18B4}': `ᢴ
`, '\u{18B5}': `ᢵ
`, '\u{18B6}': `ᢶ
`, '\u{18B7}': `ᢷ
`, '\u{18B8}': `ᢸ
`, '\u{18B9}': `ᢹ
`, '\u{18BA}': `ᢺ
`, '\u{18BB}': `ᢻ
`, '\u{18BC}': `ᢼ
`, '\u{18BD}': `ᢽ
`, '\u{18BE}': `ᢾ
`, '\u{18BF}': `ᢿ
`, '\u{18C0}': `ᣀ
`, '\u{18C1}': `ᣁ
`, '\u{18C2}': `ᣂ
`, '\u{18C3}': `ᣃ
`, '\u{18C4}': `ᣄ
`, '\u{18C5}': `ᣅ
`, '\u{18C6}': `ᣆ
`, '\u{18C7}': `ᣇ
`, '\u{18C8}': `ᣈ
`, '\u{18C9}': `ᣉ
`, '\u{18CA}': `ᣊ
`, '\u{18CB}': `ᣋ
`, '\u{18CC}': `ᣌ
`, '\u{18CD}': `ᣍ
`, '\u{18CE}': `ᣎ
`, '\u{18CF}': `ᣏ
`, '\u{18D0}': `ᣐ
`, '\u{18D1}': `ᣑ
`, '\u{18D2}': `ᣒ
`, '\u{18D3}': `ᣓ
`, '\u{18D4}': `ᣔ
`, '\u{18D5}': `ᣕ
`, '\u{18D6}': `ᣖ
`, '\u{18D7}': `ᣗ
`, '\u{18D8}': `ᣘ
`, '\u{18D9}': `ᣙ
`, '\u{18DA}': `ᣚ
`, '\u{18DB}': `ᣛ
`, '\u{18DC}': `ᣜ
`, '\u{18DD}': `ᣝ
`, '\u{18DE}': `ᣞ
`, '\u{18DF}': `ᣟ
-j Used by some Plains Cree communities as an alternative to ᕀ, eg. compare ᓰᐱᕀ ᓰᐱᣟ
When it occurs in conjunction with a w-dot it typically kerns over that: precomposed characters are not provided for the combination, and the positioning should be taken care of by the font.p,2
`, '\u{18E0}': `ᣠ
`, '\u{18E1}': `ᣡ
`, '\u{18E2}': `ᣢ
`, '\u{18E3}': `ᣣ
`, '\u{18E4}': `ᣤ
`, '\u{18E5}': `ᣥ
`, '\u{18E6}': `ᣦ
`, '\u{18E7}': `ᣧ
`, '\u{18E8}': `ᣨ
`, '\u{18E9}': `ᣩ
`, '\u{18EA}': `ᣪ
`, '\u{18EB}': `ᣫ
`, '\u{18EC}': `ᣬ
`, '\u{18ED}': `ᣭ
`, '\u{18EE}': `ᣮ
`, '\u{18EF}': `ᣯ
`, '\u{18F0}': `ᣰ
`, '\u{18F1}': `ᣱ
`, '\u{18F2}': `ᣲ
`, '\u{18F3}': `ᣳ
`, '\u{18F4}': `ᣴ
`, '\u{18F5}': `ᣵ
`, }