Unicode character apps

Updated Wed 6 Sep 2016 • tags pickers, apps.

The Unicode character apps allow you to produce, analyse and manipulate runs of text for a given language or script. Character apps are especially useful for people who don't know a script well, as characters are displayed in ways that aid identification and input (unlike a regular character map). The apps are written in HTML and JavaScript, so no need to download anything – just use any browser.

You can easily cut and paste text between the apps and your own document. The apps are just as useful for analysing text copied from other locations as they are for creating text.

Available apps

Total character apps:

The help file explains how to use the app and what features are available. Features vary, but can include automatic transcription to and from the text, shape-based hints and selection methods, keyboards, codepoint listing, creating examples in markup, control over the font used, etc.

Bugs and requests

Please raise an issue if you'd like to see other characters, fonts or apps. If you want a new app, you'll have to provide (a) a list of all characters to be supported, and (b) mappings to phonemes in a language, and (c) a Unicode font. Note that if you want to find characters and there's no character app, you may be able to use the picker-like features of Uniview. Just select a block, click on the big up-arrow below the text box (top right), then click on characters.

First published 2004. This version 2024-06-21 15:52 GMT.  •  Copyright r12a@w3.org. Licence CC-By.