Type or paste text in the green box and click on the Convert
button above it. Alternative representations will appear in all the other boxes. You can also do the same in any grey box, if you want to target only certain types of escaped text. You can then cut & paste the results into your document. selects all the text in a box (useful for deleting), and copies the text to the clipboard, if your browser supports that. See the help page for other options.
Worked example. The text in the field with a green background currently contains a variety of escapes. Normally you would simply click on the Convert
button just above the field to show the various escape formats below. Note, however, that this (unusually convoluted) text represents two characters using just a code point number – therefore, for this particular example, you should select Treat bare numbers as Hex code points
(or decimal) to convert those numbers as well as the other escapes. You should also ensure that the checkbox next to Convert \n etc
is selected, in order to convert the \n
and \t
After selecting those options, click on the Convert
You will then see the conversion results in the grey boxes. You can use checkboxes alongside many boxes to tweak the results. For more information on each of the grey boxes, see the help page.
Hex NCRs
Decimal NCRs
Percent encoding for URIs
UTF-8 code units
UTF-16 code units
Summary of changes in this version.